Sometimes you have to go easy …

After successfully navigating a fortnight of full-time work without mishap, I’m spending a few days trekking around the country visiting some of the people I love most and generally chilling out. I couldn’t have achieved those 2 weeks of working without carefully following the wonderful OMS Recovery Programme for over a month, and won’t beat MS without it, but that doesn’t mean that life suddenly has to become unbearably serious and dull. So here I am staying up past midnight, because my insanely talented younger brother is rehearsing with his exciting little band and I want to stay up listening to them putting their new numbers together, rather than lights out at 10:30pm as usual. 

I haven’t done my daily meditation or daily exercise, haven’t had my daily veggie juices but I have had a glass of wine, and I’m feeling more blessed than I can express. There is so much love in my life, and so much to be grateful for, but for some reason I sometimes need to slow down and change my location and routine before I’m able to recognise it. I don’t doubt for a second that I’ll be straight back on the programme when I’m home in 48 hours, but equally I’m feeling comfortably relaxed about being in a position where it’s not practical to stick to it now. And that’s just fine.

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